East Windsor, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the population and steets of East Windsor City, Connecticut? This article will answer that question and more. You'll discover the number of households in East Windsor, as well as the average racial makeup of the area. The average household size is two people, whereas the population of three and four people is relatively even. Below, you'll find information about the diversity of the community.

The climate in East Windsor is moderately humid and warm in summer. The city is located along the Connecticut River, 40 miles away from the Long Island Sound. Temperatures in East Windsor range from 32.0 degrees Fahrenheit to 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no significant difference between the seasons in terms of precipitation, though there are some periods of extremely hot weather. The wettest month is July, which corresponds to the peak of the annual thunderstorm activity.

This town has five sections, the oldest being Warehouse Point. The town was divided into sections before the mills began operating. Scantic and Melrose were separate settlements before the town was formed. The town is home to Mulnite Farms, a tobacco farm on Graham Road. The town is home to five elementary schools, including Broad Brook, which was opened in 1951. The town hall was burned in 1961.

The Census Bureau collected demographic information on the population of East Windsor City, NJ. The race of residents is indicated as a percentage of the total population. The racial makeup of the town was also reported as "Population of One Race Alone."