Hadlyme, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Hadleyme City, CT? Did you know that the population density is low in this city? Crime is rare, and crime rates are much lower in the southeast than in the northwest? The statistics above will show you how many crimes occur in Hadlyme per 1,000 residents, and the neighborhoods with the lowest crime rates are also safer. However, there are some places in the city that have higher crime rates than others.

If you'd like to see the most diverse parts of Hadlyme, CT, then you should check the list of nearby towns. Not only will this list help you plan your trip, but it will also help you get a feel for the surrounding community. It's also a good idea to use this list to see what's 100 miles away from Hadlyme. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn about the diversity of the town!

If you're looking for a way to travel from one town to another, you should take the Chester-Hadlyme ferry. This 65-foot-long diesel-run ferry is convenient for both business and pleasure. Hadlyme is accessible by driving east on Route 148, which runs from Chester. If you want to save on mileage, it's easier to travel east on Route 148 and drive 8.3 miles, crossing the Connecticut River by foot.