Quinebaug, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the people living in Quinebaug City, Connecticut, you need to know its Population & Steets. The local population is mostly Republican. In fact, they are the most common people living below the poverty line. The top industry of the city is Educational services, followed by health care and social assistance. Most of the people in the city work in Production and material moving occupations.

The population of Quinebaug, CT is composed of people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. While 61.9% of its residents identify as white, only 12.3% are African-American. The rest are Asian and Pacific Islanders. About 17.8% are Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% are of other races. The census asks respondents to indicate their ancestry. Among the most common ancestry in Quinebaug is Polish, Irish, and French Canadian. Other ancestries include Albanian, French Canadian, and Italian.

In addition to the population of the area, the town has a diverse outdoor recreation offering. State parks, Army Corps of Engineers facilities, and the town's trail system offer many opportunities for outdoor recreation. The Quinebaug River should be explored and integrated into the Commercial Tourism District. The Town's trails are also conducive to cross-promotion with local businesses and lodging facilities. And a pedestrian path should be built along the river to promote tourism to the area.