Are you looking for information on the Population & Steets in Edgemot City? Here you can find the most recent statistics on Edgemoor, DE. The city is home to 6,257 people, and the median household income is $59,155. Also, find out the unemployment rate, and how many people live in poverty in Edgemoor. The table below provides the most recent statistics, broken down by race and education level.
The Edgemoor / Battery Park neighborhood is one of the most affluent communities in the nation. Only 0.2% of neighborhoods in the United States are richer. This neighborhood is home to a high concentration of high-end real estate, many of which is well-maintained and retains its value. Residents in this neighborhood drive luxury cars and send their children to private preparatory schools.
The average income in Edgemoor, DE is $56,576, less than the United States' $65,712 median annual income. The city is home to 2,914 households, including 1,691 family households and 1,223 non-family households. Edgemoor has seventy-two percent households with children, and two-three percent of households do not have any. In terms of industries, health care and social assistance and education are the three biggest employers in Edgemoor, DE. However, the highest-paying industries in the city are Finance & Insurance and Real Estate & Rental & Leasing ($70104).
The American Community Survey (ACS) data is a great source for information about the community's demographics. These data are updated yearly, and they do not guarantee completeness or accuracy. Before buying a home in Edgemoor City, consider its location and surroundings. You can even find out how much the neighborhood costs. You can also find out about the school district in Edgemoor City. The mission Dam Historic site is located next to the City.