What is the Population & Steets in Little creek City? There are about 190 people living in this city. The median household income is $57,083, which is a little higher than the state average. Also, the percentage of residents who are in poverty is higher in Little Creek than in the state overall. You can find more information on the city's economy and housing costs by checking out our other articles.
The first step in planning the area is a kickoff workshop, at which citizens can offer their suggestions, ideas, and concerns. Planning staff facilitates this process, and citizen input is used as the basis for next steps. Meetings following the kickoff workshop help refine the recommendations, which are then presented to the entire community at an open house. Finally, final recommendations will be made and presented to the City-County Planning Board.
The greenway project is another important part of the planning process for the city. It serves a dual purpose for the community as a green space and an active transportation network. The planning area is currently home to only one greenway, the Little Creek Greenway, which is 0.8 miles long and runs from the Shoppes at Little Creek to Atwood Road. Six other greenways are proposed for the city, and information about them can be found in the Community Facilities Recommendations section of this plan.