The population of Navy Yard City is slightly younger than the U.S. as a whole. The median age of the Navy Yard City population is 29.1 years old, which is eight years younger than the average age in the United States. Its population also contains a higher proportion of people who are active in the military: 5.4% of the employed workforce is military, as opposed to 98.9% of all Americans.
Despite the city's diverse population, residents overwhelmingly speak English. English is the primary language in 92.0% of households, followed by Spanish, Italian, Polish, and German. As with any neighborhood, Navy Yard City is a great place to live for students. Many of the amenities and services are geared toward college students. The following are some other reasons to consider a Navy Yard neighborhood as a place to live.
During the WWII years, approximately 600,000 migrants moved to Washington state in search of work. Uncle Sam poured $40 billion into the West Coast during the war, increasing per capita income in the area. While Washington experienced a 41 percent population growth, its average income grew by a whopping 69.7%. A few other reasons for the growth include:
After the war, many black residents returned to the Navy Yard, including those who had left their jobs to join the navy. One of these newcomers was Al Colvin, who had been a Tuskegee Airman. Both men were good friends and eventually settled in Bremerton. The city is now the fourth largest city in Washington state. In the meantime, Seattle's population grew from 368,000 to 530,000, and Bremerton became the fourth largest city.