Alford, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics for Alford City, FL show that the most prevalent racial or ethnic group is White, followed by Hispanic and Two Or More. The median annual income for people living in Alford, FL is $26,406, which is less than the median annual income for the United States. In terms of income, the median family income for Alford, FL was $25,625 in 2018, which represents a 3.05% annual increase. The most common occupations in Alford are Construction & Extraction, Sales & Related Occupations, and Transportation Occupations.

According to the US Census Bureau, the population of Alford, FL is 630. The median age is 47.3. The median household income is $26,406. The most common racial or ethnic group is White (non-Hispanic) with only 0.5% of the population identifying as Black or Hispanic. Two-thirds of the population speaks a non-English language at home. The unemployment rate is 37.7%. The poverty rate for residents of Alford, FL is 25.2%.

In 2011, Salford had a total population of 233,933. Of this, about 37.5% were uninsured, while 16.9% were enrolled in various kinds of health plans. In addition to these, there were also 11.3% of lone parents and 6.9% of permanently sick and disabled residents. These numbers are considerably higher than the national average of 30.4%. A high percentage of lone parents in Alford is an issue, and residents of this city must consider the options available to them.