Bay Harbor Islands, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here are the population and steets for Bay Harbor Islands City, Florida. The data is based on the most recent American Community Survey. The US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy of the data provided here. You can find the exact population in the zip code by searching the US Census Bureau website. In Bay Harbor Islands, FL, the population is spread across many different neighborhoods. You can explore each neighborhood's profile to determine how many people live in each one.

If you're planning a road trip or exploring the area, you may want to find out what towns surround Bay Harbor Islands. There are numerous cities within three hours of Bay Harbor Islands that are worth checking out. You can even use Google's maps to locate towns within 100 miles of the city. Once you've found out which towns are closest to Bay Harbor Islands, you can look for flights from those cities.

The median age for the population of Bay Harbor Islands, FL is 41.1 years old. The age range is between 30 and 44, with both native-born residents and foreign-born residents having a median age of 40. The most common foreign-born birthplace in Bay Harbor Islands is Cuba, with 986 residents being from this country. Next to Cuba, Haiti, and Colombia are also important countries with large populations in Bay Harbor Islands.