Biscayne Park, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Biscedayne Park City? This Miami-Dade city is bordered by NE 121st Street, NE 107th Street, West Railroad Avenue, and Griffing Boulevard. While primarily residential, it is also known for its speed trap for drivers on NE Sixth Avenue. The historic Log Cabin, located at 640 NE 114th Street, is a significant cultural and historical site.

As a candidate for mayor of Biscayne Park City, Jennings has been living in the community since he was 11 years old. The western portion of Biscayne Gardens is represented by District 2 County Commissioner Jean Monestime, who has supported incorporation in the past. Jennings, a government consultant and certified mediator, has deep Democratic Party connections and a list of accomplishments. He has even drawn a sample city charter and has all but declared himself mayor.

The next diagram shows the diversity of the area's population. The city has a relatively low percentage of black residents, at only 0.3%. Hispanics, Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders are also represented, but the minority of Black residents is small. The overall median age is 35 years old. Biscayne Park Florida is home to a number of people who are over the age of 18.

A mix-use development is in the works in Biscayne Park City. The city's economy is centered on tourism, and the city will retain ownership of the Munisport Landfill Superfund Site. The developer, Boca Developers, will have a 200-year lease for the development. This is a rare opportunity for those who wish to live in a community with a diverse mix of cultures and demographics.