Bonita Spgs, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be interested to know the population and steets of Bonita Springs, Florida. The mid-sized city complex is located 130 miles south of Tampa-St. Petersburg. The city is very pleasant to live in, especially during the months of December, March, and February. August and July are also good times to visit. However, there are many things to do and see in Bonita Springs.

You might want to check out the neighborhood population and the local statistics before making a decision. Using the city's street map will provide you with an idea of the area's population and features. You can also check out the satellite view of the area for a better representation. You can easily find out the exact location of landmarks, businesses, and other places of interest using this map.

The per capita income of the people in Bonita Springs, FL is $50,587. This is fairly wealthy compared to the rest of Florida and the nation. This would be about $202,348 for a family of four. Despite these numbers, the town is not without its poor and wealthy residents. For example, a family of four may have a household income of $70,000, while another household might only make $3,000 a year.

The population of Bonita Springs was 43,914 in 2010, according to the U.S. Census. It is a part of the greater Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses the entire southwest coast of the state. If you're interested in learning more about the population and steets in Bonita Spgs, Florida, read on!