Coconut Creek, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Coconut Creek City? This article will provide you with the most up-to-date data on Coconut Creek's population and statistics. It also provides you with the latest statistics on crime and other public issues. Listed below are some important facts about the community. You should read these facts about the city to gain a better understanding of the way of life in Coconut Creek. Listed below are some important statistics about Coconut Creek's population.

There are a variety of amenities in Coconut Creek. The city itself has several grocery stores, including a Target, Best Price Food Market, and Save-A-Lot. Purchasing a home in Coconut Creek comes with a lot of financial benefits, including notable appreciation rates. You can build equity and sell it in a few years, generating tax-free equity. And because Coconut Creek's population is growing, there are more opportunities to sell your home.

In terms of age, the median age of the residents of Coconut Creek City is forty-two. Foreign-born residents are slightly younger. While the average age in Coconut Creek is forty-two, the median age of the population is slightly older. The most common foreign-born birthplace in the city is Cuba. The natal country of 986,238 residents in the city is Cuba. Haiti and Colombia each have three-thousand residents.

The median household income in Coconut Creek City, FL is $43,980. It is estimated that 5.7% of the people work from home. In the city, the average per capita income is $25,581. As for the percentage of households in Coconut Creek, FL, there are fewer households with cars than in other cities. One-third of the households in Coconut Creek are made up of individuals. The ratio of men to women is 86.8.