Earleton, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Eearleton City? A quick look at the numbers will show you that there are 155 people living in Earleton. The average age is 62 and the median household size is 1.52 people. There are also single female households and 35% of married couples. The median household income is $65,449, while the average individual income is $63,846. Approximately 100% of residents have earned a high school diploma. Another 15% have completed some form of college and are now employed.

The population is predominantly white. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is very small. Single parents and families are the most common age groups, and the percentage of children under 18 is lower than average. The percentage of vacancies is slightly below the national average. And a little known fact about 32631: there are 3 people in this area who are Indian. So that's a little bit of a red flag to this area.