Florahome, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is the population and steets information for Florahome City, FL. You can use this information to plan a road trip or to explore the area around the city. You can also search for towns within 100 miles of Florahome to see what they're like. The map below shows the racial makeup of Florahome. The population is mostly White, but there are some residents of German, Scottish, Irish, and English descent. English is the most commonly used language in Florahome, although Spanish is also an important language here.

In addition to racial makeup, Florahome's demographics show that the population is educated. About 34% of the population has graduated from college, and 19% have a master's or doctorate degree. As for occupations, Florahome residents are divided into three categories: service industries, blue-collar jobs, and white-collar roles. In terms of education, Florahome is home to 0.99 adults for every one person with a high school degree.

The Florahome City ZIP code is 32140, and is located in FLORAHOME, FL. The ZIP Code is composed of five digits, with the last four digits indicating a street or segment. In addition, the ZIP Code for Florahome City is 5-plus-four, and a five-digit extension of this is D (default).