Florida City, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Florida City, FL is approximately 44.3% Hispanic, and you can also view racial breakdowns for the city. If you want to know more about the demographics of the city, read the following article. This article is a brief summary of the population and steets of Florida City. It is not comprehensive and is not meant to be taken as gospel.

In 2019, the median age of the population of Florida City, FL was 27.4. The median age was 18 for native citizens and 44 for foreign-born residents. In 2018, the median age was 28. Cuba is the most popular foreign-born birthplace for Florida City residents, with a total of 986,238 people from that country residing here. The next most common natal country was Haiti, with 338,524 people originating from the country. Finally, Colombia accounted for 270,705 people in Florida City.

The number of children under the age of 18 was 134,198. The percentage of married couples and single women headed by women was 18.7%, and thirty-seven percent of households were non-families. There were also 30,488 individuals living alone. One in five of these households was made up of senior citizens. The average household size was 2.61, while the average family size was 3.25.

Miami was incorporated on July 28, 1896. It had a population of around 300 when it was incorporated. However, the city has always had a significant number of African-American and Caribbean residents. It is estimated that more than one in every ten residents in the city is black. Approximately a quarter of that population lives in Miami. The city has a rich history and has a diverse population.