Homosassa, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Homasassa City? If you are looking for a map of Homosassa City, Florida, you have come to the right place. Here you will find the current population as well as historical facts and information. Once you have the demographics, you will know how many people live in Homosassa.

Old Homosassa is still a quaint fishing community that coexists with a rapidly growing tourism industry. While development is progressing, it has been done in a slow and deliberate manner to keep in sync with the community's image. Nevertheless, the town's growth is not without its challenges. Regardless of the challenges it faces, the town is sure to grow and thrive.

The median age of the entire population in Homosassa City, FL was 66.1 in 2019. This includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. The average age of residents was 68 in 2018. Cubans were the most common foreign-born residents in Florida. Of them, 986 were Cubans, followed by Haiti with 338,524 and Colombia with 270,705 residents.

The poverty rate in Homosassa City, FL is 6.1% lower than the state. This figure is likely to be exaggerated by people who visit the area. This means that the drug-related crime rate in Homosassa City may not be as high as you might expect. In general, the northeast part of the city has more retail establishments. However, a high proportion of crimes is committed in retail areas where few people are living.