Inlet Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a road trip, consider visiting the towns surrounding Inlet Beach, FL. The following cities are located within 76 miles of Inlet Beach, FL. These are the largest cities and closest to the city. You can also search for cities within 100 miles of Inlet Beach, FL.

Inlet Beach, Florida has a population of 14,805. Its median age is 52. About 16% of the population is comprised of families with children. The other 21% is made up of single men and women. The rest is made up of couples. About 93% of the population has completed high school and 21% has attended some type of college. About 10% have gone on to get a graduate degree.

If you're looking for a vacation spot that celebrates nature, Inlet Beach is the right place for you. This coastal city is the easternmost of South Walton, and is home to one of the state's most popular beaches. Its white sand beaches, coastal dunes, and eco-friendly modern amenities make for a vacation experience unlike any other.