Kenansville, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of relocating to Kenansville, North Carolina, you might be wondering what the demographics of the city are like. The population of Kenansville is 850 people, and the median home value is $114,100. The city has an average commute time of 26.1 minutes. While the percentage of residents of African descent is small, there are a few different ethnic groups in the area, including Hispanics.

The town of Kenansville is a hub for artists, with more people working in the arts and media here than in 90% of US cities. This concentration is part of what gives the city its distinctive character. In addition to artists, Kenansville also boasts more people employed in the computer industry than ninety-five percent of the United States. Despite this low population density, the city has a relatively low crime rate compared to other cities.

The town had a very diverse population. Of the 2,811 households, only 28% were under the age of 18. However, the percentage of households with children under the age of 18 was slightly lower. Almost fifty percent of households were composed of married couples. A small proportion of households, however, were non-families. Additionally, about a third of all households were non-families, and the remaining thirty-six percent were single individuals. And seventeen percent were senior citizens living alone.

The number of households in the Kenansville City is estimated to be eighty-five thousand by 2020, making it the third largest town in Duplin County. It is the county seat of the same name. The town was named after Senator James Kenan. The town's population density is 390 people per square mile. The city is home to many churches and other cultural venues. So, the population of the city is a good fit for the area.