Lacoochee, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lacoochee City, Florida, is approximately 1,345 people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the area covers an area of 2.8 square miles (7.3 km2). The city is located in Pasco County. A comparison of demographics and the poverty level of the city will help you understand the area's socioeconomic situation. Population statistics can give you a clearer picture of the overall health and happiness of the residents.

The median household income of residents in Lacoochee, FL is $20,474. This is lower than the national average of $65,712 per person. The highest paying industry in Lacoochee, FL is Construction, followed by Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. The most common racial or ethnic group is white, with 51.4% of the population belonging to this group.

The median property value in Lacoochee, FL was $47,900 in 2019. The homeownership rate of this city is 20.3%. Most residents commute by car alone. The average commute time is 30.3 minutes. The median car ownership rate in Lacoochee is 2 cars per household. There are 1.49k residents in Lacoochee, FL. Twelve percent of the residents were born outside the country.