Lake Worth Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of Lake Worth Beach City, Florida, then you have come to the right place. Our comprehensive demographic data will help you identify the areas that are growing in population as well as those that are shrinking. Use our Florida Census Data Comparison Tool to find out more about this area. It's easy to use and can be a useful tool for comparing cities and towns in Florida.

The city of Lake Worth Beach has a diverse population, with approximately 45 percent Hispanics, 35 percent Caucasian residents, 18% Black, and one percent Asian. The population ratio favors women, with a median household income of $42,500. It is home to several notable landmarks, including the Florida State Capitol. There are also several historic neighborhoods to explore. And the city is home to Palm Beach Pride, one of the largest LGBTQIA+ pride festivals in Florida.

The population of Lake Worth is 36,838 residents, which is slightly higher than the national average. The city is home to many celebrities, including MLB baseball player Trea Turner, NFL offensive lineman Joe Looney, and professional golfer Brook Koepka. While Lake Worth may seem small by national standards, it is still home to some famous people. A few notable residents include actor Deidre Hall, NFL offensive lineman Joe Looney, and professional golfer Brook Koepka.