Laurel Hill, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the population and steets of Laurel Hill City, you have come to the right place. In this article, we'll go over the basics of the city, including its poverty rate. Once you have an idea of how much poverty is in the area, you can better understand why the city is ranked so low. Population and Steets in Laurel Hill City are vital to make an informed decision about moving there.

To find out more about the city, you can go to the official website of the city. Here, you can find the population, street, and school statistics for Laurel Hill, SC. You can also check the list of nearby cities and towns. For example, you can use the map below to find out what other towns are within a hundred miles of Laurel Hill. The map information on the city is for reference purposes only, so don't rely on it for anything more than a general idea.

Laurel Hill is in the southeastern part of the United States, in the piney woods ecoregion. At the time of its settlement, the area was covered in virgin longleaf pine, which attracted sawmill operators and lumberjacks. The city's name was adopted in 1895 to reflect the large laurel tree that surrounded it. The name Laurel Hill is derived from the laurel tree that dominated the hill.