Lazy Lake, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) estimates that the population of Lazy Lake City is around 1,367 people. There are approximately 80 housing units in the city, with the median year of construction 1955. The median monthly rent in Lazy Lake is $1,900. The city's population is mostly white, with the minority being Hispanic. Approximately 14.8% of Lazy Lake residents live below the federal poverty level.

The percentage of households identifying as White, Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, or other race is higher than the national average. Lazy Lake has a relatively low percentage of households who own a car. Most residents have only one car. But, despite the low percentage, the city is home to a large number of renters.

As a small town, Lazy Lake has a relatively high homeownership rate. The median home value in Lazy Lake, FL is $1.1M, which is almost five times higher than the national average. There are no public utilities in the city, and residents drive alone to work. The median car ownership rate is less than the national average - one car per household. There is no fire department in Lazy Lake, Florida.

Lazy Lake residents are mostly White (non-Hispanic), which is the largest minority group. Only one third of the population of Lazy Lake is Hispanic. However, if you're interested in learning more about the city's ethnic makeup, it may help to learn more about the demographics of this small city. This information is essential for a successful business. You'll be able to identify if Lazy Lake has a high rate of unemployment.