Lockhart, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for Population & Steets in Lockhardt City? Here's some information to help you figure it out. The city is located in Union County, South Carolina. The following data is based on census data from the U.S. Census Bureau. This data is tagged to residential addresses, and includes such things as the number of people who live there. As of 2016, there were 820 people living in Lockhart.

The population of Lockhart is around 14,750. It is the county seat of Caldwell County. Lockhart is about 30 miles south of downtown Austin. It is located along SH 130/HWY 183, which connects to the I-10. It is known for its barbecue. Lockhart is home to a variety of restaurants, including Texas-style barbecue. The city has several public parks, including the Lockhart Civic Center, which is home to the Texas State Fair.

While the city's tax rate is higher than the rest of Texas, Lockhart must work to lower that rate and make its policies more competitive. It should also develop a task force to attract a vocational education program. This process should include a feasibility assessment, identification of target institutions, and determining site development needs. A focus on high school career and technology education programs would enrich the labor supply in the city. Additionally, the city should improve the physical environment with modern amenities, attractive entrances, and well-maintained property.

The average household income in Lockhart is $48,884 and there are 13,273 residents in the city. There are two public schools in the city, Lockhart Elementary School and Lockhart Middle School. These two schools are located within the Lockhart Independent School District, and the district's median household income is $48,884. The city has a low poverty rate, with an estimated 1.3 percent of its population living below the poverty line.