Merritt Island, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are 3 distinct areas in Merritt Island, Florida. The first, the central area, is known as Merritt City, as this is where the majority of residents live. Other features of Merritt City include the local high school, library, and shopping district. For more information, visit the official website of the city. In addition, you can view its current Population & Steets in Merritt Island.

The population of Merritt Island is composed of 96.5% white residents and 4% people of other races. However, there are a few minority groups in this city. For instance, about 2.3% of its residents are Hispanic. In terms of educational attainment, approximately 67% of the residents in Merritt Island are college graduates. Also, there are a few households that are rental property, while the majority of residents are home owners.

A major part of Merritt Island's economy is based on the Kennedy Space Center. The program started in the late 1970s, and the first Space Shuttle flight was launched in 1981. The city's economy was able to recover as employment in the program grew. During this time, Merritt Island was one of the few Florida communities that had a thriving space shuttle program.

As the area became more developed, the population of Merritt Island grew considerably. The city now has some of the best schools in the state. The city is also home to the Merritt Island Wildlife Sanctuary. This is a place where you can see many different species of animals and birds. In addition to the great schools, Merritt Island is home to the Merritt Island Wildlife Sanctuary.