Micco, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in MicCO City? The first thing to know is that Micco has an incredibly low crime rate. According to the Census Bureau, the city has a crime rate of 0.8 per 1,000 residents, making it one of the safest cities in New York. Micco also has a moderately high rate of violent crime. You can learn more about the area by checking out the city's crime map.

This Micco CDP Florida population analysis shows large generational groups. This information is particularly useful for research on employment, as well as identifying areas where retirees are most likely to live. Micco CDP Florida has very low percentages of people aged under 20. The largest percentage of people are 60 to 69 years old. Listed below are the median ages of Micco City residents. Also, the percentage of residents who are citizens is approximately 2%.

Micco has an ethnically diverse population. There are approximately 8,293 residents, 50% male and 50% female. The median age is 67 years old. There are 49% families living in Micco. The average household size is 1.86 people. Micco has an ethnic diversity of 7 races. In addition to the racial makeup of the city, the median household income is $33,567. Micco is ranked highly among the most affordable cities in the United States.

The percentage of Hispanic residents in Micco is 4.3%. This number can be higher depending on the family composition and race. Whether you identify as Hispanic or White, you should consider this demographic when determining the poverty level of your neighborhood. If you or a loved one are living below the poverty line, this data is particularly useful. And if you are concerned about the poverty level in Micco, Florida, you should check out our poverty statistics.