Montverde, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're a new resident of Montverde, you're probably wondering: "What is the population and steets of Montverde City?" You're not alone. Many people have questions about this important topic. Listed below are some statistics about this city. Population is around 1,594 people and the median household income is $68,750. Poverty is also a major issue in Montverde.

There are a few places that have low population, such as parks and major airports. Because fewer residents live near parks and recreation centers, crime rates may appear higher. However, remember that crime happens wherever people are. Even in quiet residential areas, such as the southwest part of the city, crime can be rampant. Fortunately, the rate of crime in Montverde is much lower than in neighboring towns like Howey-in-the-Hills.

Population & Steets in MontVerde City