North Lauderdale, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering "What is the Population and Steets of North Lauderdale City?", read on. We've compiled some statistics to help you make an informed decision about your new home. Here are the most important facts about this Florida city. Listed below are the population and steets of North Lauderdale, Florida. Use this information to help you choose a home in this beautiful community.

Crime is not always visible in a neighborhood, but the crime rate can be compared to neighboring cities. Crime rates for North Lauderdale are much lower than those of neighboring cities. However, you shouldn't ignore crime statistics because many crimes occur in areas with a low population. It's important to note that crime happens where people are. The southeast section of the city is safer, but it isn't necessarily safer.

Diverse neighborhoods in North Lauderdale are characterized by different race and ethnicities. In fact, the largest proportion of people living in North Lauderdale are Hispanic, followed by White. The smallest percentage of people in North Lauderdale is from Europe. The most racial groups living in North Lauderdale are Black, Hispanic, and White. You can find out where the largest proportion of the population is located by looking at the map below.

The population of North Lauderdale is 44k people. The median age is 33.6 and the median household income is $43,759. Between 2018 and 2019, the population and income of North Lauderdale have increased by 3.49% and 0.436%, respectively. Among the 5 most common racial groups in North Lauderdale are White or American (Non-Hispanic), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), Two+ (Hispanic), and Hispanic. Lastly, there are 0% of households who speak a language other than English at home.