Panacea, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Panracea City? This is a common question that many newer players will have. It is helpful to know the demographics of the city in order to better understand its dynamics. The population of Panacea City is approximately 937 residents. The median household income is $31,731 and there are about 6% of the population who are below the poverty line.

The population of Panacea City is relatively low, and the city is not overcrowded. However, it does have noisy residents. Panacea has several attractions and landmarks that visitors will enjoy. There is the Gulf Specimen Aquarium, where visitors can touch the fish and learn about local history. You can also take a trip to the Big Bend Maritime Center to learn more about the city's maritime history.

The population of Panacea City is listed by ZIP code. The city's ZIP code is 32346. It is specific to Panacea and the surrounding areas. It is important to include this code when mailing or receiving mail. The city associated with this ZIP code is the name of the main post office in the area. After identifying your ZIP code, you can copy your mail in the following format:

The median household income in Panacea is $22,417. Compared to the median income in neighboring cities, Panacea has a higher median income than other communities. On average, people in Panacea, FL live in a two-car household. Residents of Panacea are 28.1% renters, which means that they are less able to afford to pay their mortgage or rent.