Safety Harbor, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find Population & Steets information for Safety Harbor City, Florida by reviewing our census data. This data is tagged to residential addresses. The percentage of Hispanic people living in Safety Harbor is 6.0%. Other races are not included. To see the poverty rate for Safety Harbor, FL, you can use the Census report to lookup the city's population. The census also reports the percentage of households earning less than $36,000 per year.

The economy of Safety Harbor, FL employs 8.97k people. Its largest industry is health care & social assistance, followed by professional and technical services, and retail trade. Safety Harbor has a higher homeownership rate than most places, at 81.5%. Safety Harbor also has higher income per household than the national average: $72,750. The average commute time is 22.9 minutes. Safety Harbor, FL households have 2 cars.

The median age of Safety Harbor, FL residents was 48. The median age of foreign-born residents was 52. The percentage of Hispanic citizens was 7.3%. Safety Harbor residents were mostly born in Cuba, Haiti, and Colombia. Safety Harbor has a low poverty rate and a higher than average unemployment rate. The percentage of residents who are unemployed is 3.5%, while the percentage of those employed by the government is 11.4%.