Wabasso, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the Population & Steets in WaBasso City, MN, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find detailed information about the demographics of this city. The median age of the people living in Wabasso is 49.5 years old, and the median household income is $51,375. This number is up from $42,054 in 2000. The most common racial or ethnic group is White (non-Hispanic), and the median household income is $2,099 per person. The percentage of households that speak a non-English language in Wabasso is 0%.

Wabasso is home to about 653 residents. The average commute time is 17.5 minutes. Compared to the rest of Minnesota, Wabasso is a little cheaper than the rest of the state. The median home value in Wabasso is $100,800, and the home appreciation over the last 10 years has been 5.4%. There are plenty of reasons to buy a home in Wabasso.

The crime rate in Wabasso varies between areas. Central Wabasso has a higher crime rate than the northern area, and the crime map in the north is less dangerous. If you want to find the safest places to live in Wabasso, MN, check out the Crime Grade for this city. The crime rate in Wabasso is B, which means that the crime rate is slightly below the national average. Wabasso is in the 62nd percentile for safety. This means that 38% of cities are safer than Wabasso, and 62% are more dangerous. This information applies only to the city's proper boundaries.