Alapaha, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Alapaha, GA is composed of 397 Black or African American residents, 362 White residents, and six other races. The majority of residents are White, with 0.784% of the population being Hispanic. If you're interested in learning more about the Alapaha city population, please read below. You'll also find a list of towns in the area. These towns offer a unique look into the community.

ESRI and Census data give us the latest eviction statistics for Alapaha. This city has fewer eviction cases than neighboring Pinehurst and Denton. Whether this is a good thing or not will depend on your personal preference. In Alapaha, approximately 66% of households are owner-occupied. The average household size is 2.1 people. If you're looking for a quiet neighborhood and want to be close to nature, consider a house in Alapaha City.

Alapaha is in Berrien County, Georgia. The zip code for Alapaha is 31622. This is part of the Albany, GA metro area. The zip code is in the Lower Middle class range. The area's unemployment rate is 2.8%, which is higher than the state and county averages of 2.7%. If you need to find a zip code for a particular address, please use the Quick Select tool.

There are plenty of things to do and places to eat in Alapaha, GA. Alapaha has some excellent schools and a diverse community. You'll find many places to eat, visit parks, and shop. The population of Alapaha is very diverse and welcoming, and residents enjoy spending time outdoors. If you're looking for a new home, Alapaha is a great place to move in.