Barnesville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Barnesvill City? This article will answer these questions. If you are interested in the history of Barnesville, GA, then this article is for you. Read along to learn more about this fascinating city. You will find out what the city's residents were like when it was founded and what it is today. Also, find out the various businesses that thrived in the town.

The population of Barnesville doubled in 1865, as the city was booming during Reconstruction. The nearby Gordon Institute was drawing new residents from throughout the southeast. The newly-built railroad depot, on the other hand, provided revenue to the city through freight and fare charges. As the population increased, the city's boarding houses and new dwelling construction grew to meet the demand for housing. The Matthews Hotel, Lyon House, and Blalock House were popular choices for lodging.

There were no resources in the early years of the city, but it was still a significant transportation hub. During this period, stage lines would pass through the city on a daily basis. At one time, the Towns Road connected with the Alabama Road, which connected Augusta, Georgia, with Montgomery, Alabama. These trains would stop at Barnes' inn and tavern, which provided refreshment for passengers. As the iron horse became more popular, stagecoaches ceased to be the primary mode of transportation. Instead, trains became the preferred method of transportation for residents and businesses alike.

The population of Barnesville is low in some areas, but it is still comparatively high in others. For instance, the city has few people in its downtown area, while crime rates are higher in the neighborhoods near major airports and parks. Therefore, crime rates may appear to be higher in these areas, but this is merely a graphical representation of crime rates in the city. You should not overlook this information.