Bowman, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides the population and steets of Bowman City, North Dakota. The population of Bowman is 968 as of the 2010 census. In 2000, the population was 1,198. The city has a total area of 1.2 square miles (3.1 km2).

The median household income in Bowman, SC is $30,447. The city's income distribution is less unequal than the national average. Of the 256 people who work in Bowman, SC, 76 percent are employed in Manufacturing, 37 percent in Transportation & Warehousing, and 32 percent are employed in Public Administration. These three occupations pay between $48,333 and $50,500 per year.

Rent burden is a useful measure of housing affordability. It shows how much of a household's income goes toward rental housing. The rent burden in Bowman is higher than the state average of 31.1%, but is slightly lower than neighboring cities, including Gadsden and Irmo. Additionally, 38.5% of Bowman's housing units are occupied by renters. As of 2016, this was lower than the national average of 65.

The population of Bowman City, SC is primarily African American. The number of people working in this area is high, with a large percentage of single parents and middle aged people. There are also very few households with children under the age of 18 and few vacancies. Overall, the city has a low percentage of vacancies, despite its size. And although the city is relatively small, it has a high number of residents that are able to pay for their basic needs.