Cedar Springs, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics of the Cedar Springs, MI area show that most residents are White. However, the city is home to a large Hispanic population, making the city 6.76% Hispanic. The chart below shows the percentages of White residents, Hispanic residents, and two or more races. The chart below also shows the median household income in Cedar Springs. Read on to discover how many people live in this area and the jobs they hold.

One of the great aspects of the city is its affordable living. While there are numerous historical buildings, recreational activities, and parks to enjoy, residents can live comfortably without breaking the bank. Of course, the cost of living can vary by career and the price of real estate. Learn more about the cost of living in Cedar Springs. There are many benefits to living in Cedar Springs. However, there are a few things to consider before buying a home.

The population of Cedar Springs, MI is just over three thousand. While only 0.8% of the population is under the age of 18, the median property value is $119,200. Homeownership rate is 55.4%, lower than the national average. Most residents commute alone, and the median car ownership rate is two vehicles per household. The median property value in Cedar Springs is $119,200. Most residents own their own homes, and there are about 2 cars per household.