Clinchfield, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Clinchfield City? How many are employed? How many live in poverty? These are just some of the questions you must ask yourself if you want to make sure your home is safe. We've put together a list of the most popular questions to ask yourself if you're considering moving to Clinchfield. Read on to learn more. You may also be interested in a crime map.

A good example of this is the population map of Clinchfield, Georgia. It shows that 30.2% of households have children under the age of 18. Another 45.5% are married couples; 10.6% are single women living alone. The remainder of the population consists of non-families. One-person households make up 37.7% of the population, while 18.0% are older adults. The average household size is 2.24 people, and the average family size is three.

What are the average number of homes for sale in Clinchfield City? Clinchfield has a relatively high rate of vacancy. The city has a higher vacancy rate than 71.0% of other American cities. This may reflect weak demand for real estate in the area, or that there has been an excessive amount of new housing built in the city. Regardless, you may be surprised to find many empty homes in Clinchfield.

Listed below is the city's median income and age distribution. The median income was $23,750 for a household and $18,393 for a family, making the per capita income about $33,591.