Cordele, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to the area, you may be wondering: What is the Population & Steets of Cordele City? If so, you should consider the cost of living in the area. The median home value in Cordele is $106,600, and in the past decade, its home appreciation has been 6.1%. In the 2020 census, the population of Cordele City was 10,220 people. There were 3,874 households, or 2,453 families.

Cordele Georgia is a thriving community and has a high quality of life. The population density is higher than the state and national averages. The population density is only slightly lower than the state average, with Warwick having less than three-fourths of the size of Cordele. According to demographics, the median age for residents of the city is 33.7. The population of the city is evenly split between males and females.

The population of Cordele is made up of a variety of races and sexes. The majority of residents are black, while only one-fourth are white. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders make up a small percentage of the population. Hispanic people make up 2.0% of the population. While most residents of the city live below the poverty line, nearly half of the people there are employed.

Getting around Cordele, GA is easy, as the city has a good local community. The city also has good schools, daycare centers, and transit options. Overall, Cordele, GA is a nice place to live. The home prices are reasonable and there are several amenities for the area. You can even purchase a home here! It's worth exploring the area, and you'll be glad you did.