Crawfordville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the city of Crawfordville, Georgia, you can find the population and the steets by using our free online resources. We will show you how many people live in Crawfordville and what they do. Also, find out how many people were born in Crawfordville, GA, and how many were born abroad. In this way, you can get to know the area better and find out what to expect.

There are around 5,164 people living in Crawfordville. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median property value is $159,300. The median age is 38. The median household has two cars. The average property taxes are $0.60 per square foot. Crawfordville has a population of 5.16k people. There are some things to consider about the city's climate. In Crawfordville, GA, temperatures fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for ninety days out of the year. It is humid. It is cloudy most of the time, with temperatures that rarely drop below freezing.

The city has a relatively lower poverty rate than most cities in America. While it is not a large city, Crawfordville is considered to be small and has a relatively low population density. The average poverty rate is 10% in cities the size of Crawfordville. However, this is not a good indicator for the overall condition of the city. Studies indicate that people living in small towns are more likely to experience poverty and unemployment than those who live in large cities.