Cusseta, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the number of people in Cusseta, AL living below the poverty line. These numbers are compared to the state averages for each racial and ethnic group. In Cusseta, AL, the largest racial or ethnic group is White, followed by Black and Native American. Approximately 93.3% of the population lives below the poverty line. Moreover, a large percentage of Cusseta, AL residents is covered by health insurance. In Cusseta, AL, the largest share of households is employed by an employer-provided health plan, followed by self-employed individuals, and the least number is on Medicaid or Medicare.

When you're traveling, don't forget to factor in the distance from your home to the town you're visiting. If you're going for a short vacation, it's probably a good idea to fly to a larger city nearby, such as Atlanta or Macon. These cities are usually about four to five hours' drive away from Cusseta, GA. But if you're flying for business, a flight from a major hub city nearby is just as convenient.

The average home value in Cusseta is a modest $110,000, which makes it a good choice for families on a budget. The area also offers several family-friendly programs aimed at helping families raise children. Many of these programs are focused on educational readiness and success. For instance, the town provides free child care. Additionally, families who want to send their children to school are eligible to receive tuition grants that are based on need.