Davisboro, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the population and steets in Davisboro City, Georgia, you've come to the right place. Below you will find the latest census data for Davisboro City, GA. The population is categorized by neighborhood, so you can use this information to find out more about this area. It also includes important demographics, like the number of households and average income. You can also find out more about schools and employment in Davisboro, GA, including its average salaries and the number of employees in each industry.

The Census reports that 92.8% of workers in Davisboro commute by car, 6.7% use carpooling, and 0.478% use some unspecified mode of transportation. The graph below shows the percent of households using each mode of transportation over time. The y-axis is on a logarithmic scale, which shows smaller variations over time. The chart below shows the households in Davisboro, GA by car ownership. There are 3 households with three cars, while the remaining two households have no cars at all.

In 2019 the population of Davisboro was 1,776. The median household income was $29,318. The poverty rate was 3.7%. This is below the national average of 46.6%. You can learn more about this city's demographics and economy by visiting Dwellics. You can even see the best places to live in Davisboro by visiting its Dwellics page. The statistics above are only a small sample of the many things to consider.