Flovilla, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and stats of Flovilla City, GA, you've come to the right place. In this article, you'll learn more about the people, housing values, and schools in the city. You'll also discover Flovilla's walkability score and noise level. Flovilla is a city located near the southern Appalachian Mountains, and its average temperature is 68°F. It's not unusual to experience rainy weather in Flovilla.

When deciding on a community, it's important to consider the local demographics. The Flovilla population is roughly 70% owner-occupied, with an average household size of three people. While some people prefer to live in a walkable city, others appreciate the quiet, open space, and nature. Some don't mind a reasonable drive. A neighborhood with an acceptable walkability score can be a good place to live.

The median age of residents is 34.4. This is lower than the overall median age of 44.5 in Monticello. Flovilla has the second highest percentage of married couples, and the highest rate of single people. However, Flovilla is still a small city compared to Monticello, which has a larger population. The median age of men in Flovilla is higher than in Monticello.

Flovilla Georgia has a mixed race population. The largest race in the city is white, while the largest ethnic group is non-Hispanic. Native people comprise 14.4% of the population. And as for religion, the city's primary religious affiliation is Protestant. However, Flovilla has a low level of diversity when it comes to race. The area's top industry is manufacturing. With 26.5 percent of its residents working in the field of management, science, and arts, 14.3% work in natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations.