Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more details about the population and steets of Fort Oglethorpe, GA, you can read the below article. This article contains important information regarding this city. To better understand the local population, you should know how to use the census data. The population of Fort Oglethorpe is comprised of 8,62k white residents, 505 non-hispanic residents, and 329 black or african american residents. This means that 0.974% of the population is below the poverty line.

In addition to the census data, you can also look at the age distribution of residents of the city. In 2017, the population was 38 years old, with 29.3% of people under the age of 18 living with them. The age distribution of the residents was also relatively even. Fort Oglethorpe City was home to forty-two percent married couples, twenty-five percent single people, and twenty-five percent non-families. Thirty-one percent of the population lived alone and 13.3% of people were 65 years or older. The median age in the city was 38 years old, and the population was largely male.

The Fort Oglethorpe community was one of the most prosperous cities in Georgia during the Civil War. The nearby South was an economic and military center, and the town was home to a number of important military installations. More than 3,000 seamstresses and shoemakers worked for the depot, adding to the city's population. During this time, Atlanta experienced significant growth, and its population increased from 9,000 to more than two thousand people in just six years.