Hapeville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In terms of the number of people living in Hapeville City, there are a number of things that you should be aware of. For instance, you should know that the city has more single people than any other city in Georgia. Its average household size is 3.9 people. Its racial makeup is also diverse, with 45% of its residents being African American. The population of Hapeville City is a mix of white and black people, with an overall percentage of 54% being single.

To evaluate your target audience, you can look at the median household income of the city. Hapeville has a median household income of $41,670. You should also know the percentage of people who are living in poverty. This statistic can help you determine if you're reaching the right demographic for your business. For instance, if your target audience is middle-aged and owns a home, it might be a good idea to consider their age, race, and income.

In the 1950s, Hapeville was a part of the Tri-City area, supporting three elementary schools and one high school. In the 1940s, Hapeville became a depressed industrial town. The town experienced significant gentrification in 2005, starting in the Virginia Park neighborhood and spreading to the entire city. New residents in Hapeville have brought new residential development to the historic downtown.