Oakman, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those who are interested in the Population & Steets in Oakmann City, Michigan, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find information about the town, including statistics, maps, and other useful information. There is no better place to start learning about the city than right here. Once you have a basic understanding of the town, you will be able to choose a great home for your family.

The population of Oakman was 789 at the time of the 2010 Census, a decrease of 4% from the 2000 census. Eighty-nine percent of respondents to the 2010 Census were white, twenty-four percent were African-American, 0.3 percent were two or more races, and only 0.1 percent of Oakman's residents identified as Native American or Hispanic or Latino. The median household income in Oakman was $30395 in 2010, compared to $16,786 per person.

The town of Oakman has a total area of 3.1 square miles (8.0 km2). It is unique in that it is the only town in Alabama with city limits that are perfectly round. During the 1890 census, Oakman was known as Day Gap, but that changed in 1894. The town was founded by farmers who moved to the area from nearby communities. Today, Oakman is a vibrant community of over 2,000 residents.

In terms of race and ethnicity, the majority of Oakman residents identify as white, with just 0.7% of people identifying as black. There are also people of Asian descent, as well as people of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander descent. The median property value was $70,800 in 2019.