Peachtree City, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Peachtree City is about 38,244 people. A little over half of this city's population is under the age of 18 and the remainder is between 25 and 44 years of age. Another twenty-four percent of its people are between 45 and 64 years old. There are also about eight families of five living in this city. As far as schools are concerned, Peachtree City is served by the Fayette County school system.

There are many benefits to living in Peachtree City. The city has moderate temperatures year-round, abundant outdoor activities, and lots of green space. This makes it an ideal place for families who want to be away from city noise, yet close enough to big-city amenities. The median household income is quite high. In addition, HOA fees are required to maintain infrastructure in this city.

Peachtree City, GA's median income was $370,924 in 2019. The majority of residents own their primary residence, which is around three hundred twenty thousand dollars. The city's growth is attributed to FHA policies, which explicitly encouraged white home ownership and disfavored blacks. Moreover, the emphasis on lower-density single-family housing has implicit discriminatory effects on minority populations, as low-income households cannot afford to buy single-family houses.

Whether you're moving to Peachtree City or just want to know more about the community, you'll find plenty of helpful information online. You can use the U.S. Census Bureau's Quick Facts or Georgia Power's Community and Economic Development Occupational Analysis for additional information. Some of these documents are viewed with free viewers, so download one today. And while you're there, check out the Peachtree City, Georgia, and Atlanta.