Pendergrass, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Pendengrass City? Do you want to move to this neighborhood? If so, you should start by finding out the demographics of the city. Currently, there are 577 residents living in Pendergrass. The city's commute time is 27.3 minutes, which is slightly less than the national average of 26.4 minutes. As far as real estate goes, Pendergrass has a median home price of $250,000 and a 10.3% appreciation over the past ten years.

The population in Pendergrass is quite spread out. Twenty-seven percent of residents were under the age of 18, while eight percent were between the ages of 18 to 24. Twenty-four percent of residents were aged 25-44, and twenty-seven percent were between 45-64 years old. The median age was 33 years. In terms of gender, males outnumbered females 99.5%, with 93.9 males per 100 females of the same age.

If you're looking to move to Pendergrass, you'll want to consider the neighborhood. Houses should not all look alike, and you need to be sure there's enough space for parking. Garages should also be filled, so check out parking facilities first. Additionally, you'll want to find a neighborhood that has good neighbors. In Pendergrass, the average household size is 2.9 members.

If you're interested in learning about the singles in Pendergrass City, you can also learn about their marital status. While you're looking at these statistics, you'll find useful information that you can use to conduct internet research. For example, Figure 28 compares the number of single adults in each neighborhood. And Figure 30 shows the percentage of single males and females who are living alone in Pendergrass.