Register, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets of Register City, Iowa? Here are some quick facts. This is a census-based city, so be sure to read through the details before you make a move. There are many important statistics about Register City. Read on to learn more about this great city! And don't forget to check out the other important facts about Iowa! We have some really neat stats for you!

First, let's look at the population. Register City, Iowa, has a total population of 104,064. The population of this city is made up of households with an average of 2.5 people. In terms of household size, there are 15,335 households, with an average of 2.49 people living in each one. It's important to note that the population of a city is largely dependent on its economic activity, so it's important to keep this in mind when calculating the population of a city.