Sasser, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to live in Sasser, Georgia, you should consider the population and the steets. Statistical data show that 86.6% of the population drove alone to work in Sasser, Georgia, while 5.97% worked from home. The population of Sasser is relatively low in comparison to other Georgia cities, but the area has some unique characteristics that make it worth a look.

The population of Sasser, GA is composed of 305 people. 91.8% of residents are U.S. citizens, and the median property value was $112,500 in 2019. Homeownership rate was 48.3%, and the majority of residents commuted by car alone. The average commute time was 21.6 minutes. Approximately two cars were owned per household. In terms of income, Sasser, GA is more affordable than most communities in Georgia.

The median household income in Sasser, GA, is $34,167, which is lower than the US average of $65,712 (see chart below). Although males earn more than females, the wage disparity in Sasser, GA is still lower than the national average of 0.477. The racial or ethnic groups with the lowest median household incomes are Black, White, and Native American. In order to qualify for the minimum income, a family must earn less than the minimum wage. Moreover, all members of the family must be below the income threshold in order to qualify as low-income.