Kaaawa, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Kaaawa City, Hawaii, the Population & Steets are about the same as those of other cities. There are about 1,087 people living in Kaaawa. There are 496 households. The median home value in Kaaawa is $584,320. The average household size is 2.91 people. The median age in Kaaawa is 36.4, which is lower than the national average of 37.4. The median household size is 2.9 people, compared to the US average of 2.6.

The majority of residents in Kaaawa are white. However, about 7% of the population is black or African-American. Moreover, about 6% of residents identify themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native. Another 4% of the population is Asian. Another 4.72 percent work from home. Kaaawa's population demographics are summarized in a chart that shows the percentage of households that use different modes of transportation over time. The y-axis is scaled in logarithmically, so that variations in smaller modes of transportation are clearer. Among Kaaawa's households, most people own a car. The highest percentage of households own two cars.

Among the different types of income, Kaaawa's residents earn $45,557 a year. This is a relatively high number compared to other cities in the state and nation. A family with two children earns about $182,228 annually. Hence, the Kaaawa City is home to a mix of rich and poor people. In the case of Kaaawa, the average income is higher than that of the other cities, but is still lower than that of the neighboring cities and towns.