Kahuku, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are facts about the Population & Steets in Kaahuku City. These statistics should give you a clearer idea of the size of the town. The city's population is roughly half that of the rest of the state of Hawaii. The median age is 30 years old. The city is also home to many families with children. Kahuku has a low poverty rate and is a safe place for newcomers.

The current population of Kahuku is expected to increase by about 1.68% by 2020. The city's median household income is $112,052, which is below the state average of $154,710. The poverty rate is 6.5 percent. The median rent for a home in Kahuku is $1,260 per month, and the median house value is $601,100. The median age for residents is 35.2 years, and for males, it is 33.3 years.

The Kahuku City CDP has a population of 4,894 people. The city's average family size is 4.6. The CDPs of Laie and Kahuku both have higher rates of single people. Overall, there are about 69% single people in Kahuku. There are also many families in Kahuku, and the city is very safe for families to live.

The Kahuku High School is one of the top ranked high schools in the U.S. Kahuku High School boasts a national football team and is among the top-ranked schools for active NFL players. It also has strong arts and academic programs. Some notable graduates of the school include Jack Johnson, Pancho Sullivan, and Sam Choy. And as long as you don't want to be an athlete, the high school is a great place to attend.