Keaau, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Keaau City? How do you find out? Here are some useful resources. Among the most important things to know are the demographics of Keaau City. The population density in Keaau City is much lower than most places in the region. It is also home to more older residents than younger ones. Keaau has the highest proportion of people over 60 years old.

The median age of residents in Keaau City is 45.8 years. Moreover, the median age of residents in Keaau is 45.5. The age-related racial mix of the community is higher than the state and U.S. averages. However, the gender-based diversity of Keaau is lower than those in other cities. However, the overall gender diversity of the city is lower than that of Honolulu.

The violent crime map of Keaau shows how many crimes occur per thousand residents. While the southwest neighborhood has the highest violent crime rate, the southeast neighborhood has the lowest. Nevertheless, it is not a good idea to judge the neighborhood by the map alone. While there may be some correlation between the rate of violent crime and the area's population, red zones aren't always dangerous to residents.

The population of Keaau city is 9,12 residents per square mile, with 646 foreigners living there. The Air Quality Index (AQI) in Keaau City was 106 in 2018.