Kealia, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Kealii City. Kealia is a city in Kauai County, Hawaii in the United States. The zip code for Kealia is 96817. The city is home to 57,413 people and 19,305 households. There are approximately 3.59 people per household, and 62% of residents are renters, while 38% own their own homes. The median age is 43.5, and 47% of the population speaks a language other than English. The median income is $56,749, and the average commute time is 24.2 minutes.

Kealia Ohai is a prominent soccer player in the United States. She was born in Draper, Utah and graduated from Alta High School in 2010. She played for the Houston Dash from 2014 to 2019.

The population of Kealia City is composed of married people. About 47% of the residents are homeowners, while the rest are renters. Most of the residents have at least a high school degree. Only 10.3% of the population has a graduate degree. A master's degree is also rare. But the median household income in Kealia City is $71,164. There are also a few retirees.

The overall population of Kealia City is 835,252, with 265,240 households. The median household size is 3.64 people. The median age is 37 years old. About 28% of the population is bilingual, and one-third is of a different racial or ethnic origin. The unemployment rate is 58.2%. Almost half of the residents are employed, which makes Kealia a great place to live.